Centre for Democracy & Resilience

Center for Democracy & Resilience

The mission of our Centre for Democracy & Resilience is to protect fundamental democratic values and processes through generating new ideas, providing creative solutions and engaging relevant stakeholders to drive positive change towards more resilient democracies in a digital age. This is achieved by conducting research in the areas of information operations, hybrid threats, election interference, social media regulation and transparency and by providing recommendations to a range of stakeholders. After identifying fragile spots, the programme aims to conduct innovative activities to contribute to the resilience of democracies in the most practical manner.

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Recent news


Though the world overwhelmingly desires peace in Ukraine, appeasing the aggressor would only compromise Western security.

on 28.06.2024
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GLOBSEC sa pridáva k medzinárodnému konzorciu v rámci Stredoeurópskeho observatória digitálnych médií (CEDMO).

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GLOBSEC has become a part of the Central European Digital Media Observatory (CEDMO) tackling the key sources and causes of information disorders in Cent...


On June 26 2024 at 10:00 CET, join us for a webinar moderated by Marc Faddoul from AI Forensics.


The main patterns in Bulgarians’ dispositions for the current year reveal both persistent continuities with views expressed in 2023.


Euroscepticism is on the rise in Poland.


Czechia still holds the position of a regional "champion" of supporting democratic values and pro-Western attitudes.



The main patterns in Bulgarians’ dispositions for the current year reveal both persistent continuities with views expressed in 2023.


Where to next?