
EUMC Elections and why it matters for Europe


Security and Defence are among the EU's highest priorities right now. In a recent Eurobarometer poll, security and defence of the EU ranked frequently as the number one priority for the next European Parliament and the European Commission by European citizens. Ahead of EU elections, Defence Policy Fellow Federica Mangiameli and Distinguished Fellow Martin Sklenár get you ready for the upcoming European Union Military Committee (EUMC) Chairman elections and why the role is crucial for Europe.

The EU, as an organization, just like NATO, does not have any military capabilities. Therefore, the Chairman of the EUMC, through the Committee, must ensure that national efforts are directed towards the synchronized development of military capabilities and that they are aligned to meet the requirements the EU has set for itself.

The development of European military capabilities will be one of the most important pressing topics. Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, EU Members have finally awoken that more investment in defence is needed where the defence budgets are rising.

To satisfy citizen expectations and to reflect the major changes in the security environment, the EU collectively will need to build more military power, also increasing the number of capabilities that EU Member States already have at their disposal. This will only work if the EU is closely aligned with its NATO partners to produce complementary efforts.

When taken together, the EUMC Chairman will play a crucial role in ensuring that the EU remains a credible global actor conducting crisis management missions and operations. As the security environment develops, he will also strengthen the EU's role as a global security actor and promote greater collaboration on shared security challenges in engagements with external partners, including NATO, the United Nations and other international organizations and partner countries.

Watch the video below to learn more.
