
Alliance for Healthy Infosphere



GLOBSEC’s Alliance for Healthy Infosphere aims to contribute to a secure and just online space with meaningful checks and balances equally implemented for all.

Our information space is plagued by a range of deficiencies ranging from the proliferation of hate speech to dissemination of disinformation and harmful information to vulnerable audiences by a plethora of domestic as well as foreign actors. These phenomena have a detrimental impact on the quality of democracies worldwide as they continue to undermine trust in public institutions, contribute to a growing polarisation of societies and undermine fundamental values underpinning democratic societies such as equality, rule of law and human rights.

The lack of operational transparency among digital platforms further complicates the situation. Voluntary measures adopted by social media platforms to remove illegal content online, stop the exploitation of personal information for malign purposes through targeted advertising of harmful content and disrupt the disinformation ad revenue ecosystems are next to impossible to truly evaluate. While increasing efforts implemented by the digital platforms are valued and recognised, they often focus on the world’s largest markets and most widespread languages. In the meantime, millions of users from around the world have substandard user experience with persistent issues such as lack of transparency, insufficient enforcement of community standards, non-existent PoCs and customer service. This unequal treatment continues to disrupt the information space.

Recognising these serious deficiencies, GLOBSEC’s Alliance for Healthy Infosphere aims to address these issues and contribute to secure and just online space with meaningful checks and balances equally implemented for all.

Our Aims:

  • Contribute to secure and just digital information space for all users.
  • Advocate for stronger regulation of digital platforms to protect users from harmful content and secure implementation of the measures in all user markets equally.
  • Strengthen the voice of actors from smaller markets with unique languages which suffer from marginalisation and the lack of measures implemented in their countries.

To read more about our activities, explore the pdf in the Attachments section below.

To become a member, contact us at [email protected].



Our information space is plagued by a range of deficiencies that require concerted attention and balanced solutions.


The digital revolution and the overall digitalisation of political campaigning have rapidly transformed democratic political processes.


The upcoming EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA) can be a first and very important step in treating a r


The Alliance for Healthy Infosphere has come together to contribute to the UN OHCHR Special Rapporteur’s paper on disinformation and human rights, that ...


Based on the analysis of online information space prior to Slovak 2020 Parliamentary Elections, the Demo



Press release

Activists, academics, whistleblowers, and journalists involved in protecting the public interest have been recently facing a growing obstacle presented ...


How to address the issues related to AI misuse with regulation.

Press release

Alliance for Healthy Infosphere has become one of the key signatories of an Open Letter by the EU Disinfo Lab which invites EU policy makers to ensure t...

Press release

Alliance for Healthy Infosphere has taken part in another consultation process initiated by the European Commission, this time on the formulation of Eur...

Press release

A year ago, Democracy & Resilience Programme at GLOBSEC Policy Institute established the Alliance for Healthy Infosphere, in an effort to amplify vo...

on 27.04.2021
Press release

In the eleventh episode, we discuss the implications of the newest revelations on the 2014 explosion in the Czech Republic with Mark Galeotti, Senior As...

Press release

Watch the tenth episode of Democracy Calling! to find out more about the perception of China across Central and Eastern Europe and Western Balkans.  

Press release

The ninth episode brings the topic of the impact of the January 2021 US Capitol riots on the digital space.  

Press release

Watch the seventh episode of Democracy Calling, in which we discuss the spread and impact of COVID-19 conspiracy theories being spread online in Central...

Press release

The sixth episode of Democracy Calling! brings you the discussion on political advertising and electoral integrity. 

Press release

Watch the fifth episode of Democracy Calling discussing the recently announced European Commission’s Digital Services Act (DSA) its impact on digital pl...

Press release

In the fourth episode of Democracy Calling!, we discuss the recently announced European Commission’s European Democracy Action Plan (EDAP) and its impac...

Press release

Watch the third episode of Democracy Calling! in which we discuss the impact of disinformation and conspiracy theories on the future of quality journali...

Press release

As part of our Alliance for Healthy Infosphere’s mission to contribute to creating a secure and just online space for all, we bring you a new series cal...

Press release

As part of our Alliance for Healthy Infosphere’s mission to contribute to creating a secure and just online space for all, we bring you a new series cal...

Press release

We care about making our democracies more resilient. While the protection of democracy requires a constant whole-of-society approach, we also believe mo...




The pandemic raises the importance of systematic solutions against disinformation. 

on 16.07.2020

With the Digital Services Act, the European Union could enforce national laws online. 

on 26.06.2020

Earlier this month, the Commissioners Jourová and Borrell presented a 

on 22.06.2020

Many measures in content moderation are only partly applied to the smaller markets of Central and Eastern Europe, where COVID-19-related disinformation ...

on 05.05.2020